David Essex David Essex - Brave New World

Take a looke around you at the World we've come to know
Does it seem to be mutch more than a creazy circus show
But maybe from the madness something beautifull will grow
In a brave new World
With just a handfull of men
We'll start (2X) all over again(4X)

Now our domination of the Earth is fading fast
And out of the confusion the chance has come at last
To bild a better future from the ashes of the past
In a brave new World
With just a hand full of men
We'll start all over again

Look - Man is born in freedom but he soon becomes a slave
In cages of convention from the cradle to the grave
The weak fall by the wayside
But the strong will be saved
In a brave new World
with just a handfull of men
We'll start all over again

I'm not trying to tell you what to be
Oh no, oh no not me
But if mankind is to survive
The people left alive
They're gonna have to build this world anew
And it's going to have to start with you and me
YES !!!
I'm not trying to tell you what to be
Oh no ,oh no not me
but if mankind is to survive
The people left alive
They're gonna have to build this world anew
Yes and we will have to be the chosen few

Just think of all the poverty ,the hatred and the lies
and immagine the distruction of all that you despice
Slowly from the ashes the Phoenix has arise
In a brave new world
With just a hand full of men
We'll start al over again

Take alook around you at the world you've loved sowell
And bid the ageing empire of man a last farwell
It may not sound like heaven but at least it isn't Hell
It's a brave new world
With just a hand full of men
We'll start (2X) all over again (4X)

Take a look around you at the world we've come to know
Doesn't seem to be much more than a creazy circus show
Mabye from the madness something beautifull will grow.......